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Paying too much for your energy, water and telecoms?

Save money on your water and energy bills in Scotland with Revo Utilities

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How we can help you save money on water and energy

Competitive contracts

Flexible, easy to understand billing solutions

Regular reviews of the market

Face-to-face account management

You can lower your energy bills, completely FREE


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Energy comparison Scotland

Revo Utilities specialises in finding the most competitive rates in commercial gas, electricity, water and telecoms so you can focus on what matters most - your business. We are proud partners of some of the UK’s leading energy suppliers meaning that you can rest assured that you’ll receive a personalised, cost-effective deal that suits your needs specifically.


We know that every business is different. That’s why our services are tailored to meet your specific business requirements and budget by understanding how your business works and building a relationship to meet your needs!

If you’re interested and want to find out more, we’re always happy to help. Our team of experts offers reliable customer service, straightforward billing and significant savings on your business utilities. Get in touch with us through email or feel free to give us a call on 0141 280 9986 or email us at

Find out how to save with us today

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